The Notorious Blog of Some Guy Complaining About Stuff

20 July, 2011


If I was Emperor of the World I would make weather that exceeds 85˚ illegal in Ohio.


  1. I agree. What would you do about the intense cold though?

  2. Well, out of the exuberant amounts of fine literature I've absorbed through the years, I've drawn admiration and inspiration from the White Witch of the Chronicles of Narnia. Therefore, I like winter very much and would probably go with whole "always winter and never Christmas" agenda except I'd keep Christmas a semi-annual event, in order to appease the people, of course. Also, my apologies for not actually updating this every day... or every week.... or every month. It sort of slipped my mind, actually. But now I may start up again!

  3. Do start up again although I think you are kukukachu for preferring winter. So you like Jadis? Out of question are you a Christian?

  4. Heh, well, of course most of this stuff isn't actually what I think is right or reflect my personal opinions. Though I think Jadis is some pretty neat awesome-sauce as far characters go, I don't actually look up to her haha. And, to answer the last question, yes.
